Wednesday, March 21

Welcoming a Goddess

{ image of Lakshmi via google }

I don't know about anybody else, but every now and then things keep showing up in my life, I keep seeing certain images etc and the new ager in me knows that I'm being "told" something. When this happens of course I do what any normal person would do and "google it". Well, my latest search has put me onto the Goddess that is Lakshmi - this is what she represents and why I love her. She's just what I needed...

"Because Lakshmi's true mission is to bring eternal happiness to Earth, she helps us find meaningful careers that bring about handsome rewards, including personal fulfillment......... Pressing with your mind to try to make things happen is your greatest barrier and blockage, which can only be overcome when you become convinced that all riches worth having are already manifested within. When you relax with this knowledge and know with certainty that all is taken care of, then all restrictions are lifted completely"

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